Friday, June 29, 2007


Sorry about the non-update-age. Things have been pretty hectic and I've been feeling a little bummed. Lots of things to report though, on the up side.

Went to the NY Writer's Coalition's "Write-a-Thon" at the beginning of the month, and it was absolutely amazing. There is nothing like getting a whole bunch of writers together, where the question, "So, what do you write?" isn't a weird question. Even met someone that's going to attend the same Master's program I am. Weird. Apparently the literary world is a small one. I spent the whole day writing (something like 6 pages of writing, plus what I wrote in the workshop). It was really good to be able to spend the whole day writing, as opposed to sitting on my couch as usual and going, "Crap, I forgot to pay those bills. And, holy heck, is that a dust bunny or a dog??" I never realized how many distractions there are that impede my writing sometimes.

Been doing a lot of reading too. Thought I'd post the names and a short review for some of them.

"The Untelling"-Tayari Jones-Amazing. Highly recommended. Nearly made me speechless and I had to read the last chapter twice to make sure I digested everything fully.

"Eat, Pray, Love"-Elizabeth Gilbert-I've recommended this to more people than I can remember. This is not fiction, but Gilbert (also a novelist) manages to depict her life events in such an entertaining way. Many lines to underline, to be referred to when life gets a little too rough.

"A Fine Balance"-Rohinton Mistry-Very good. A hefty tome at over 600 pgs., it definitely doesn't feel that long. Never read such a gritty but beautiful description of India, or of any other characters. I wish I knew these characters and could call them friends.

Other books I'm working on:
"The Kite Runner" -Khaled Hosseini
"Clan of the Cave Bear"-Jean M. Auel
"The Wind Up Bird Chronicle"-Haruki Murakami
"Machine Dreams"-Jayne Anne Phillips