Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Ok, so tonight in my workshop class, my professor said something that got me to thinking. She said that she's always thinking in writer-mode. When someone is telling a story, she's thinking, "Nice flashback!" or "Way to go with the foreshadowing!"

I don't always think in writer-mode. Is that why I have a hard time considering myself a "writer"? I like to think I pick up on foreshadowing and whatnot in movies pretty quickly, but I'm not constantly thinking like a writer.

I can't imagine that I could always be in writer-mode. Sometimes it's hard enough for me to try and take in everything that's going on in non-writer-mode. And if I can't constantly be in writer-mode, should I really be a writer? It's the only profession that I can see making me happy, and I know that I truly do love writing.

On the bright side, I know I observe like a writer. I often find myself watching people or events and trying to remember parts of it for use in a story. There was that rusted black pick-up with the disembodied hand with a cigarette in it...the red fuzzy angora sweater that made me itchy...and so on.

Before the pondering makes me depressed, I shall stop babbling. I know you're thankful.