Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A feast for brains...

Yay! Got an email from the director of the MFA program with book titles as recommended reading and I've already read two of them! Go me! I'm all overachiever-ish without even trying! I can't wait to get back in the swing of the writing thing. Not that I'm not writing, but you know what I mean.

At the present moment though, I'm reading "Remainder" by Tom McCarthy, which is amazing and crazy at the same time (most good things are, though, aren't they?). The premise of the story is really unique, but what I'm really in awe of is his writing style and attention to detail. I love the way he describes liver frying (but I really do hate liver, in general). I don't have time to write a summary right now, but seriously, definitely worth a read if you think you can suspend your disbelief for 200 or so pages. Yum. I love good books better than a good meal.

I wonder if anyone's written a short story/novel where the protagonist has allergies. I know mine are killing me; I just went to an allergist and got put on 4 different kinds of meds. I don't remember reading a novel about a character with seasonal allergies...could be interesting. Let me know if you know of anything.

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